Prescot Mark Lodge 903 Installation
On Monday 27th February 2017 W. Bro Leslie F Norton was again installed in the chair of the Prescot Mark Lodge.
W.Bro. Leslie being congratulated by W. Bro. Geoffrey Bury PGJD the PGM’s
representative on the night with Grand Officers and visiting brethren
The ceremony was a little different from the usual proclamation which I had expected.
W Bro Ged Patton stood in for the IPM who was not able to attend and did a shortened version of the installation ceremony together with the inner workings. It was very obvious that a lot of thought and hard work had been put into this ceremony by all of those concerned.
Bro Ged gave the address to the Worshipful Master in faultless manner. W. Bro Norman Stringfellow presented the Keystone jewel to the WM in what has to be one of the best presentations I have ever had the good fortune to witness.
The address to the Wardens was given by VW Bro Michael J. Clarke, to the overseers by V W Bro David Fairclough with W. Bro Bury giving the address to the brethren. The working tools were presented to the Worshipful Master by Bro Gratton Williams.
The festive board was conducted around a rectangular table with much alacrity with W. Bro Jim Weaver the Lodge DC keeping us all in good order.
Words and pictures by Dave Richards